Friday, July 27, 2007

Petraeus: September report to recommend continuing 'surge' through Summer 2008

Above: An Iraqi man waits while U.S. soldiers search his home in the Adhamiyah district of Baghdad on Monday.

The top U.S. general and diplomat in Iraq warned on Thursday against cutting short the American troop buildup and suggested they would urge Congress in September to give President Bush's strategy more time.

Ambassador Ryan Crocker and Gen. David Petraeus, in separate Associated Press interviews at their offices in the U.S. Embassy on the banks of the Tigris, were careful not to define a timeframe for continuing the counterinsurgency strategy and the higher U.S. troop levels that began six months ago.

Still, Petraeus' comments signaled that he would like to see a substantial U.S. combat force remain on its current course well into 2008 and perhaps beyond. He said that a drawdown from today's level of 160,000 U.S. troops is coming but he would not say when.

Petraeus said he and his top deputy, Lt. Gen. Ray Odierno, are working on how to carry out a reduction in the extra troops Bush ordered to Baghdad and to Anbar province. He said the drawdown would be done "over time, without undermining what we've fought to achieve."

Read the rest at ABC News

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