Saturday, September 09, 2006

Soldier back from Iraq (Prosenjeet Basu)

MIDDLETOWN - Prosenjeet Basu, a Middletown native, is a specialist in the Army who recently returned from Germany and has served two tours of duty in Iraq. Basu served an eight-month tour of duty in Iraq from October 2003 to May 2004 with the 596 Maintenance Company.

Basu was stationed in Taji, Iraq, and worked in a warehouse performing automotive linguistics. In the warehouse, he would help other units, mostly from the Baghdad area, get the vehicle parts and labor they needed.

After his first tour, he returned to his base in Germany. Then in May 2005, he returned to Iraq with the 77th Maintenance Company. This time, he was stationed in Baghdad, Iraq, with a similar job to the one he had in Taji.

Read the rest at the Middletown News