Randy L. Johnson dies 'of wounds suffered when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle'

The Department of Defense announced Monday, 34-year-old Sgt. 1st Class Randy L. Johnson, died September 27 in Baghdad, after being wounded when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle. Johnson was assigned to the 2nd Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment out of Vilseck, Germany.
-- To Randy's family,
My son Daniel was in his squad while they were at Ft. Lewis and most of the time in Germany. Daniel described him as a great guy and wants you to know of his sorrow.
The guys in the platoon gave tribute to him by smoking a cigarette. I am not sure what the significance (Daniel doesn't smoke), but apparently it was meaningful to them.
He will be missed by more people than you probably realize; he touched so many and that makes your loss all the more tragic. He was a good man.
-- I dont know if the family of sfc j will ever read this, but if so, i just want to say I'm sorry. I guess i feel like i let you down. sfc J took care of us. Before we got hit, he was telling us what he was going to do with his family when he got home. He loved his family with all his heart. he never failed in making us laugh, even if it was while he was telling me how much better his redskins were then my giants. i'll always remember him as a family man, an incredible NCO and a easygoing loveable person. If there is anything i can do for you, please let me know. anythign at all.
-- to sfc J... I know your looking over your family right now, but maybe you can hear me right now. maybe im just posting a comment on a website that no one will ever read. i dont know. but if you are listening, just know that i will never forget what happened that day, i will never forget YOU sergeant J. Ever. THAT i promise to you. i dont know if simply remembering you is enough, but if there is something else i can do, give me a sign and ill do it. You taught us so much, and even though i was only your medic, i learned so much from you as a person. And i know you would be telling me to be a man and that life goes on if you were here right now. I hope that i can make you proud in my life. And I'm sure your up there having a bbq just like we talked about. I miss you already sfc j... and youll always be in my heart.
From Stryker Brigade News
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