Christian Neff laid to rest

Funeral services were held for 19-year old Army Specialist Christian Neff, who died September 19th when a roadside bomb detonated near his patrol in Baghdad.
Neff was a tank driver and gunner.
Family members say as a hobby Neff spent hours playing strategy and war games on the computer.
Sgt. 1st Class David Kuta/U-S Army: " There was a passage read when he was age 11 where he talked about wanting to join the Army and even as an 11-year old said, even if he knew he would have to give his life for his country, that he would die for his country, an 11-year old wrote that. So, Chris was just an incredible kid."
The Purple Heart and Bronze Star were awarded to his parents at Friday’s ceremony honoring his sacrifice.
From Indiana News
Related Link:
Christian M. Neff dies 'of wounds suffered from an improvised explosive device'
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