Monday, January 29, 2007

Opinion (William M. Arkin): A trickle, rather than a surge?

Sometime late last week, amidst more of the same in Iraq, amidst Congressional resolutions, new poll numbers, and anti-war protests, the Secretary of Defense woke up to realize that the surge is really a trickle.

Robert M. Gates told reporters on Friday that he was looking for ways of speeding up the arrival U.S. forces in Iraq.

Earlier in the week, the anti-Rumsfeld was saying that if all went well in Iraq, maybe we didn't even need to send all 21,500 troops programmed. If all went well, we might be able to bring some home by summer, Gates and the outgoing Iraq commander, Gen. George Casey said.

Regardless of politics and the Washington talk show, we are supposed to have confidence in this well thought out plan for Iraq when the Secretary is already making adjustments and changes?

Read the rest at the Washington Post