Friday, October 06, 2006

Daniel Isshak dies from small arms fire

HONOLULU - A California man serving in the Army in Iraq was fatally wounded by enemy small arms just two weeks after two other members of his battalion were killed by a roadside bomb, the Pentagon reported Thursday.

Staff Sgt. Daniel Isshak, 25, of Alta Loma, Calif., died in Tikrit on Tuesday from wounds he suffered in the attack in Hawija.

Isshak was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry, 3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division based at Oahu's Schofield Barracks Army base.

His death came two weeks after those of Sgt. Velton Locklear IV, 29, of Lacey, Wash., and Pfc. Kenneth E. Kincaid, 25, of Lilburn, Ga., who died in Riyadh when a bomb detonated near their Humvee.

Three other soldiers were wounded in the Riyadh attack.

About 7,000 soldiers deployed to Iraq from Schofield Barracks in July.

From the Contra Costa Times