Saturday, September 16, 2006

Wounded in Iraq, young Norris City GI will soon be bound for Afghanistan (Chris Amberger)

Chris Amberger of Norris City was awarded a Purple Heart after he was wounded in Iraq.

Chris Amberger has paid his dues.

He spent six months in Iraq and came home for recuperation after being seriously wounded there.

But in less than six months, the young Norris City soldier will be heading out again, serving his country in a war zone again--this time in Afghanistan.

"I've never had a normal job," said this combat engineer.

The son of Jody Springer of Norris City and Robert Amberger of Largo, Fla., Amberger chose a military career at the age of 17.

"I was wanting to get out and see what was out there," he said. "I didn't see a whole lot here."

Read the rest at the Carmi Times

Note: Due to problems with blogger we were unable to post news of deployments and returns for the last 10 days. This post is part of the update from that period.