Saturday, September 16, 2006

Boston policeman injured in Iraq (Terrence Burke)

A Boston police officer has been seriously injured while serving in Iraq, the department said yesterday.

Acting Police Commissioner Albert Goslin issued a statement announcing that Terrence Burke, a Dorchester native who had been on the force for two years and worked in South Boston before leaving for Iraq, sustained a leg injury and had been transported to a military hospital in Germany. ``His injury is described as critical, but thankfully he is expected to survive," Goslin said.

Burke has burns and lost one of his legs near the knee when a bomb exploded Tuesday in Fallujah, said a police official with knowledge of the blast.

Read the rest at the Boston Globe

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Note: Due to problems with blogger we were unable to post news of the wounded for the last 10 days. This post is part of the update from that period.