U.S.: Cholera outbreak not caused by contaminated water, unlikely to spread

An outbreak of cholera in the northern province of Sulaimaniyah appears not to been caused by contaminated water and is unlikely to spread to Baghdad, the U.S. military said Sunday.
There have been 70 confirmed cases of the disease and more than 4,000 reports of people suffering from symptoms like severe diarrhea and vomiting, said Col. Glynda Lucas, chief of the military's clinical operations in Iraq.
"This appears to be an outbreak — it is not an epidemic," Lucas said in a statement. "It is typical for these areas in Iraq to have cholera at this time of year"...
"Initial reports from ... personnel on the ground indicate that most of the hospital patients in Sulaimaniyah do not have other people ill who are using the same water source — friends, families and neighbors," she said. "The risk of cholera spreading to Baghdad is reasonably low."
Read the rest at the International Herald Tribune
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