Steven R. Elrod laid to rest

Elrod, 20, died in a vehicle accident while serving in Iraq. Karen Morin, his mother, said getting the news of his death was like her worst nightmare come true.
"You play it over and over again in your head of it happening, praying that it doesn't happen, but it does," she said.
Since then, Morin’s been putting together photo albums of Steven at all stages in his life as well as his Army scrapbook. She’s proud of what her son has done and the person he became. Morin said going into the Army was his decision, although he was probably influenced by his step-father and grandfather who both served in the military.
"He said because he wanted to do something that was important, something that made a difference," she added.
Now, the family wants to continue making a difference in his memory. They've started a college scholarship fund for a student from Massey Hill Classical High School. That’s where Steven graduated in 2005.
"I think he would be happy with it," Morin said.
Two of Steven’s closest friends also paid a tribute to him in another way. Scott and Chloe Thornall erected a sign in the Morins’ front lawn that bears Steven’s picture and calls him their “hometown hero.” They wanted others to remember what they’ve lost and honor who he was.
“He was a dork pretty much,” Scott Thornall said jokingly. “He was goofy, but he was a great guy.”
Elrod was also their oldest daughter’s godfather. He would have also been the godfather for the Thornall’s second daughter who was born this past Tuesday. Instead, they named her Savannah Ray after him.
“He was such a great person,” Chloe Thornall said. “He was really compassionate.”
From News 14
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Steven R. Elrod dies 'of injuries suffered from a non-combat related vehicle rollover'
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