Randy Shelton remembered

-- Randy you were a good dude, my brother and I was just talking about you a few days ago and how we need to link up and go out. We will definantly miss you. We love you bro and our thoughts and prayers go out to your family R.I.P and make sure you tell Matt Canfield we said whud up!
-- I want to start off by saying how proud i am of you, you were taking the right steps to better yourself and your future. You've made many sacrifices along the way and over the years, which will live on in our memories forever. You were a hero, a soldier, a son, a sibling and a great friend to many... Your strength and bravery shines upon us, which in return will bring a smile. We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers...you'll never be forgotten...
-- Man, i miss you already, I walk out of my room and expect to see you there, or have you come knock on my door and ask me for a new movie or to bum a smoke. I'm glad we had the time we did together, I'm sorry that Hancock, Doc, and I were the last 3 guys you got to see here on earth man, wish i looked better for you. I love you man, I'll be seeing you.
From Randy Shelton's MySpace page
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Randy (Randol S.) Shelton dies 'of wounds suffered from an improvised explosive device'
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