Sunday, June 03, 2007

Quick Kill anti-RPG system to be tested on Army Stryker

Above: Stryker vehicles on patrol in Baghdad last month. The Army made 'active protection systems' for its vehicles a top priority last year. Raytheon's 'Quick Kill' system continuously monitors, scans and tracks an incoming projectile, such as a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG), and after computing its speed, trajectory and intercept point launches a precision-guided weapon to counterattack and destroy the RPG with a 'focused blast' warhead nearly instantaneously. The weapon performs a vertical "soft launch" then pitches to the correct angle and accelerates to the point of intercept.

Raytheon’s Quick Kill Active Protection System will be fitted onto an Army Stryker vehicle for the first time this summer, say Raytheon and Army officials.

Quick Kill is designed to detect, track and bring down incoming rocket-propelled grenades, missiles and other weapons. The APS is being developed for the Army’s Future Combat Systems under a February 2006 deal between Raytheon and Boeing, which with SAIC is the FCS lead systems integrator...

The Quick Kill system is planned for the FCS Man-Ground Vehicles, new 27-ton armored vehicles to be fielded by 2015. In the meantime, while the MGVs are being built, Quick Kill will be outfitted on Abrams tanks, Strykers and Bradleys. The upcoming test, to take place this summer at Redstone Arsenal, Ala., will include system engineering demonstrations as well as live-fire test-intercepts. So far, the Quick Kill system has undergone a variety of test intercepts against live RPGs using a surrogate platform in Socorro, N.M., and Huntsville, Ala., since 2005.

Read the rest at Army Times