Friday, January 26, 2007

Opinion (H.D.S. Greenway): America's last hope for Iraq

BOSTON: Not since Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus was called from the plow to save the Romans from the obstreperous Aequians has a general been as keenly anticipated as David Howell Petraeus, who is now tasked with saving the Bush administration in Iraq.

Bush supporters and hopers are saying: We know things look grim, and we know what you heard from all those other generals, but just wait for Petraeus. Just listen to Petraeus before you oppose the surge.

Cincinnatus fought the Aequians in 458 B.C. because they resisted Pax Romana. He defeated them in one day and then went back to his farm. Petraeus will be given a little more time than that, but not much. For everybody knows that public support for this war is folding, and this escalation is the last shuffle.

Read the rest at the International Herald Tribune