Thursday, January 04, 2007

Opinion (Bronwen Maddox): If you want a surge, you must agree on the direction

Will a “surge” of US forces help to secure victory in Iraq for President Bush? It is hard to see how it could, although American officials emphasise that, if Mr Bush does announce that he will attempt one last push, it will be much more than simply flying in more troops.

The weakness in the plan is that it assumes the Iraqi Government wants the same as the United States: a multi-ethnic country, with power shared between factions. But there are many signs that it does not; in that case, buying it more “breathing time” will be a waste of effort.

As Mr Bush prepares to reveal his decision, the most significant of the rest of his presidency, he is surrounded by advocates for a dozen conflicting theories. But he has no support, other than from some close aides, for what is thought to be his preference: a surge of more troops. The new Democrat-controlled Congress, which gathers today, is against it; so are many in his own party, while military commanders have been sceptical.

Read the rest at the Times of London