Saturday, December 23, 2006

Opinion (Rosemary Roberts): Another costly, fruitless year in Iraq

During World War II, the U.S. government produced a series of influential documentary films titled "Why We Fight." Directed by Hollywood's Frank Capra, the films, using newsreel footage, were designed to explain to the American public why our troops were being sent oversees to fight the Germans and Japanese. The "Why We Fight" films were cogent explanations for justifying the war effort.

If the Bush administration produced a "Why We Fight" film about the Iraq war, chances are the American public wouldn't buy it, literally or figuratively, because Bush has lost credibility. The public has become so disgusted with Bush's handling of the war that his approval rating has plunged to 28 percent, according to one poll.

Most Americans, in fact, can't tell you anymore why we're fighting in Iraq. That's because Bush's reasons for invading Iraq have shifted like the sands of Arabia. The rationales have changed from destroying WMDs, to fighting terrorism, to instilling democracy in Iraq to, well, whatever....

Read the rest at the News Record