Thursday, December 07, 2006

Opinion (Peter Galbraith): 'Pie in the sky' report won't fix Iraq

The Iraq Study Group

"DEAD ON ARRIVAL" seems the likely verdict on the much-awaited Report of the Iraq Study Group. Former secretary of state James A. Baker III, who chaired the panel with former Indiana congressman Lee Hamilton, demonstrated his skills as the great deal maker by getting the group's five Democrats and five Republicans to endorse every word of the report.

Consensus came at the expense of candor. Iraq has broken up and is in the midst of a civil war, but this is never acknowledged in the report. The panel seems to assume that nation building is still possible in Iraq, and this underlies its recommendations. The result is a report that, on the most essential points, is pie in the sky. The Iraq Study Group recommends a tough love approach to Iraq's internal problems. It proposes to condition US support to the Iraqi government on it meeting certain benchmarks. These benchmarks include constitutional revision to subordinate Iraq's virtually independent regions to control from Baghdad, revising de-Ba'athification laws to permit Saddam's supporters (who were mostly Sunni) a greater role in public life, regulating militias, and amnesty for Sunni insurgents.

Read the rest at the Boston Globe