Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Opinion (Frank J. Gaffney Jr.): Surge protector

Iranian army members parade during a ceremony commemorating Army Day in front of the mausoleum of the late revolutionary founder Ayatollah Khomeini

Suddenly, "surge" is the talk of the town. Gone, for the moment at least, is "surrender" -- the leitmotif, if not the stated purpose, of Jim Baker's Iraq Study Group. Now, we are told, President Bush is preparing to put substantially more troops in Iraq at least temporarily, as part of a final push to prevail there.

This idea has a certain appeal, particularly to those of us who believe defeat is not an option. Advocates of more troops have long believed inadequate U.S. force levels in Iraq have made impossible a "clear and hold" strategy -- the only approach that has proven successful in dealing with insurgencies.

Read the rest at the Washington Times