Saturday, September 02, 2006

U.S. senator Trent Lott: Iraq is essentially three peoples

By Trent Lott - U.S. Senator
meridianstar com

President Bush once called me a “deal maker.” I responded, “No, Mr. President, I’m a results maker.” Because I’d rather have 50 percent of something than 100 percent of nothing, I approach every issue by looking for where we can find agreement and where we can produce results.

The way I see it, the Senate has three areas outside of the ongoing Katrina recovery effort that demand results when Congress convenes in September: Iraq, energy and immigration.

Iraq requires a new plan. I’m neither advocating a withdrawal nor a timetable for one. That would be counter-productive and send a signal to terrorists that all they have to do is wait out our American troops. I’m saying we ought to start thinking about new and more innovative ways to empower the Iraqi police, the Iraqi government and the Iraqi people themselves.

Read the rest at Kurdish Aspect